Men's winner Samy Lamrous and top waitress Pauline Van Wymeersch walked the two-kilometre (1.2-mile) route in 13 minutes 30 seconds and 14 minutes 12 seconds respectively – each carrying a tray with a croissant, espresso and glass of water.
As well as their medals, both winners would receive a night's stay in a swanky hotel, said city water authority Eau de Paris, which sponsored the event.
First born in 1914, the "course des garçons de café" (cafe waiters' race) was held on March 24 for the first time since 2011 – four months before the city hosts the Olympics in July-August.
Unlike their Olympic counterparts, the waiters wore a white shirt, dark trousers and an apron provided by the organizers.
The 200 contestants started the race at city hall by the Seine river, set on their way by mayor Anne Hidalgo.
"We want the Olympic Games to give a positive boost to the profession" of restaurants and waitering, deputy mayor Nicolas Bonnet-Oulaldj said when the event was announced last month.
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