Up to 50 percent of the world's rangelands are degraded, endangering food security and the wellbeing of billions, warned the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) in a report on Tuesday.
Rangelands constitute 54 percent of Earth's land cover, account for one sixth of global food production and represent nearly one third of the planet's carbon reservoir, according to the Global Land Outlook Thematic Report on Rangelands and Pastoralists.
"When we cut down a forest, when we see a 100-year-old tree fall, it rightly evokes an emotional response in many of us. The conversion of ancient rangelands, on the other hand, happens in 'silence' and generates little public reaction," said UNCCD Executive Secretary Ibrahim Thiaw.
"Imbalance between the supply of and demand for animal forage lands leads to overgrazing, invasive species, and the increased risk of drought and wildfires -- all of which accelerate desertification and land degradation trends around the world," said Maryam Niamir-Fuller, co-chair of the International Support Group for the UN's International Year for Rangelands and Pastoralists 2026.
"For the sake of future generations and economic stability, we need to improve awareness of and safeguard the immense value of rangelands," said Carlos Manuel Rodriguez, CEO and chairperson of the Global Environment Facility.
The report recommends integrating climate strategies, reducing land conversion, and supporting pastoralism to restore rangeland health.
"The meaningful participation of all stakeholders is key to responsible rangeland governance, which fosters collective action and integrates traditional knowledge and practical skills," said Pedro Maria Herrera Calvo, the report's lead author.
审校:陈丹妮 齐磊
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